SEA projects gear up for joint workshop and HiPEAC week
2024 is only a few days old and the SEA projects are already gearing up for one of the most important weeks in the remaining project period. On 16 January, members from DEEP-SEA, IO-SEA and RED-SEA will meet for a joint full-day workshop in Garching / Munich. At the workshop, they will present the results of their joint work, including open source software elements and best practices that can already be used today and will benefit both HPC application developers and supercomputer operators.
The agenda for and more info on the event can be found here.
After the SEA workshop – a common presence at HiPEAC
After the SEA workshop on the 16th, the three projects will also take part in the HiPEAC conference this year in Munich (17-19 January). They will share a booth in the exhibition area at the event. In addition, the projects will take part in the following workshops and sessions:
17 January:
- 10:00-17:30: EuroHPC Projects Shaping Europe’s HPC Landscape
- 10:00-17:30: CONCERTO: projeCts crOss-synergy iN advanCing Exascale platfoRms and quanTum cOmputing
18 January:
- 10:00-17:30: IO-SEA: Storage I/O and Data Management for Exascale Architectures
- 10:00-17:30: HiPEAC Industrial Session
19 January:
More information on this year’s HiPEAC Conference in Munich, Germany, can be found on the HiPEAC website.